Tuesday, November 22, 2016

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

The battle between the forces of deflation and central banks continues on Tuesday, and should continue into the future until the whole monetary system based on fiat paper money totally collapses (hyperinflation), or until some sane forces takes control of the system before it is too late.
Image result for helicopter money
Coordinated unprecedented money printing and helicopter money provision by major central banks, the Fed, the ECB and the BOJ continues, designed to keep the US dollar from collapsing and also to keep the stock market from imploding. No one knows how much longer the system can keep going until the whole system collapses. In the mean time, the stock market continues to rally, usually choppy and narrow range.
On the short term time frame, key price level for NQ on Wednesday will be 4860, as of the close on Tuesday, acting as support for Wednesday.
-- If NQ can stay above 4860 on Wednesday the choppy up[trend should continue
-- If NQ cannot stay above 4860 it could trigger some selling activities. If so, next support is 4830, then 4800.