Tuesday, November 15, 2016

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A narrow range up day for NQ on Tuesday. However, with the global deflationary forces continuing to intensifies, the pause in the stock market selloff is just temporary, just a setup for the next selling that is going to overwhelm central banks buying programs. Global bond selloff that was triggered by Trumps election victory has caused interest rates to substantially increase across the board and that is very deflationary.

On the short-term timeframe, NQ inflection price level for Wednesday will be 4760, resistance is 4800 and support is 4700.
-- There will be a lot of seller waiting to sell at 4800. Unless they can push NQ substantially above 4800, sellers would come back to sell.
-- NQ should remains under heavy selling pressure below 4760 but it will need a clear and sustained break below 4700 to trigger another round of liquidation selling.
Image result for bond market selloff