Wednesday, November 9, 2016

NQ Guideline For Thursday

As Trump victory started to seems imminent the stock market started to crash. Panicked central banks started to intervene, first just halting the collapse and then eventually were able to erased all the losses by the opening bell on Wednesday.
Image result for trump president
Buy programs continued all day just to hold up the stock market. With Trump election victory the forces of deflation is certain to accelerates. A trump victory also assured that helicopter money is on its ways and soon. The Fed is now ready to create unlimited about of paper currency to directly buy the treasury bond issued by the government.
The beginning of the end the global paper money regime is here, and now. How fast will the paper money regime collapses, it is difficult to predict. The speed will directly depends on how much paper currency they creates.
Key price level for NQ on Thursday will be 4800, now acting as support.
-- With the Fed certain to continue to support the stock market for a while longer, look for the stock market to rally for a while longer. To do NQ needs to stay above 4800 as a break back below 4800 could attract more selling.
-- NQ would be under selling pressure below 4800.