Wednesday, June 28, 2017

NQ Guideline For Thursday

On Wednesday, after briefly breaking below Tuesday swing low buy programs was triggered, and it did not stop until the close, with NQ closing at the day high, setting up a bullish day on Thursday, and more so if buy programs continues.
This whipsaw price actions, where we get a big drop one day, then followed by a big rally the next, is going to intensifies as topping pattern gets more mature, and the beginning of a bear market gets closer and closer.
Image result for market topping process
Key inflection price level for NQ on Thursday will be 5740.
-- As long as NQ can stay above 5740 selling should be under control, but resistance are 5775 then 5795. A clear break above 5795 is an indication NQ is on its ways to test the recent high of 5900, and should break above 5900 before a major pullback.
-- Should NQ failed to break above 5795, abut instead trade back below 5740, selling could come back in, and indication the next large NQ down day is coming.