Monday, May 8, 2017

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Another slow and choppy up day in the stock market on Monday. With major central banks continuing to flood the market with liquidity, about $1 trillion dollar so far this year in 2017, the stock market may just continue to melt up into hyperinflation without the traditional deflationary period before hyperinflation.
With the Fed certain to raise their short term interest by 0.25% in June they are very likely to continue to flood the market with liquidity in order to prevent stock market and bond market collapse when they announces their decision in June.
However because there is really no more buyers, the market may just melt up slowly, and then explode into stratosphere when hyperinflation hit.
On the intraday chart NQ support on Tuesday will be 5630.
Zimbabwe Industrial Index exploded into stratosphere when hyperinflation finally hit. In just 2 years after hyperinflation hit, from 2005 to 2007, Zimbabwe Industrial Index went up from several thousand to 4 million
Image result for hyperinflation and zimbabwe stock market