Thursday, May 25, 2017

NQ Guideline For Friday

The Fed desperately want to cause a massive rally into the long memorial day week end, in order to paint a rosy picture of the economy even though the economy is quickly rotting from within.
Money creation to support the market continues at an accelerated rate. The three major central banks created one trillion dollars just in the first three months of 2017, just to keep economic collapse at bay and stock market elevated.
Relentless buy programs designed to trigger a big rally on Thursday started all nigh on Wednesday night, and by the opening bell, it was clear the stock market is going to open with a huge gap-up, and it did for NQ.
NQ opened with a huge gap-up and then rallied all day into the close. Thursday type of price action is often followed by a consolidation day, so on Friday it is very likely going to be a choppy consolidation day, unless of course they would trigger another large buy programs.
Key support is now at 5727.
Image result for memorial day 2017