Monday, July 11, 2016

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Buy programs continued on Monday designed to push the major equity indices to all time new high in order to create an illusion of prosperity. The buy programs should continue a while longer to ensure that the breakout to new high is sustained. The last thing central banks want to see is a false breakout situation.
However, once the euphoria from massive new round of global central banks money printing activities has fade away the forces of deflation will come back with a vengeance to crush global central banks.
Now that the Dow and the S&P 500 has made a higher high above 2015 high, it should soon be followed by a sharp summer/fall selloff followed by rally.
This current new round of quantitative easing could be one of the last round before the global fiat monetary system collapses, and gold and silver standard reign supreme again. The timing of the collapse is very difficult to forecast but the final cycle top and the beginning of the end could starts between 2018 to 2019  
Image result for gold as money