Sunday, July 10, 2016

NQ Guideline For Monday

The equity market rallied sharply on Friday as buy programs continued to run over stop-losses. There is really nothing to stop the buy programs anytime soon as the goal of central banks is to create an illusion that the economy is doing well.
But the prosperity is just an illusion, just a bubble, created by easy credit, and all bubble burst, and it seems the bursting of the bubble is not too far away. Central banks are now beginning to lose their battle against gold an silver, with gold and silver continuing to rally sharply as investors starts to lose their trust in central banks and running into gold and silver to protect their wealth against central banks who are hell bent on collapsing their fiat currency.
The Fed official announcement of new credit easing programs should rocket the stock and the bond market one more time before the whole financial system collapses. Gold and silver will then reign supreme again as the only currency left standing when all fiat currencies value falls to zero.
KWN Greyerz VIII 1:17:2016