Tuesday, March 15, 2022

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A trend up day for NQ on Tuesday, a day before the FOMC announce their decision, whether or not to raise or not to raise short-term Fed fund rate amid raging inflation.

The Fed is stuck, to raise interest rates to fight inflation but crash the economy further and crash the stock market, or not raise interest rate but then collapse the fiat paper money regime world-wide.

It is a togh decision. Not fightinmg inflation would further stockes inflation, leading to global currency collapse and raging bull market in commodities and metals, and any real assets as money flee fiat paper money.

Key price level for NQ on Tuesday will be at 13,270 as support  and 13,500 as key resistance, then 136,750 as strong resistance.

With the FOMC release of their decision in the afternoon anything is possible, as it will depends on their decision with interest rates and QE or QT.