Monday, October 18, 2021

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Again, a massive rally in the stock market as central banks inject massive liquidity into the system as they worry about the negative impact of spiking interest rate and inflation world wide.

This is UK 2-year gild Interest rates

This massive liquidity pump will further stoke the current raging inflation which would further spike interest rate and further spike inflation. This is the final end of the blow-off top for everything bubble. It would then be followed by massive collapse, likely by January 2022.

New Zealand 10-year yiekd

In the meantime, panicked central banks will pump more and more liquidity into the system, Look for everything, stocks, all commodities including oil, metals and cryptos, etc to skyrocket to the moon.

On the short term timeframe, look for NQ key pullback support in the morning on Tuesday at 15,200, bullish above, implies larger pullback if NQ clearly trade below it