Sunday, September 26, 2021

NQ Guideline For Monday

With NO taper any time soon, and No taper ever simply because of the debt trap, the market may just continue to melt-up and up as hyperinflation of fiat currencies world wide drives asset prices higher as investors seeks protection from massive inflation due to pure money printing by world central banks

The possible black swan even that could cause the deflationary forces to overwhelm central banks money creation activities would be a massive real estate collapse in China, with contagion to the rest of the world. As long as the contagion from Evergrande is contained, asset inflation should continue.

On the short term intraday time-frame, key inflection price level for NQ on Monday will be at 15,350, bullish above with upside target at 15,550, bearish if it cannot stay above it, with first downside target at 15,150