Thursday, August 5, 2021

NQ Guideline for Friday

A very choppy narrow range up-trending day for NQ on Thursday ahead of the all important employment report due to be released before the open in the morning on Friday.

With the bull market still in-charge, any good or bad employment reports should be interpreted as bullish for the market, The chop soon after the release is to be expected, but by the opening bell, we should know where the market trades in relations to their Thursday closing price.

For NQ key inflection price level on Friday will be at 15,150. If NQ should open and able to stay above 15,150 on Friday we should see a rally as some shorts may decide to cover. Trading below 15,150 could be bearish, with key support at 15,080, then 14,990. Should 14,990 be clearly violated we could see sharp and large sell-off.