Wednesday, July 21, 2021

NQ Guideline For Thursday

As we know, the stock market is highly manipulated by central banks, including the the Fed, as they can conjure any amoput of digital currency into existence without any production cost whatsoever. Under any normal market consitions, we should be looking for a lower high on this current simply because it has broken its 20-day moving average on the daily chart.

Because the stock market is not a free market as it used to be, we can expect just about anything to happen. For NQ the last three consecutive up-days has been impulsive and looks set to make a higher high above the recent high of 15,000. 

Thus as long as NQ does not violate its previous day low, the uptrend should continue as shorts gets squeezed and forced to cover.

Key NQ intraday line-in-the-sand for Thursday will be at 14,780.Bullish above it and bearish below it, with NQ first intraday support on Thursday at 14,720.