Sunday, May 16, 2021

NQ Guideline For Monday

Friday was a trending up day for NQ. It started with a gap-up open above prior day high, then  after testing prior day high , it started to trend up non-stop but slowly, with very monor profit-taking activities at the end of the day.

With Friday a trend day, it is very likely that, if NQ should open inside Friday trading range we could see a choppy sideways type of days on Monday, an A-B-C  up, then A-B-C down type of trading pattern, criss-crossing the 50-ma on the 5-minute chart.

NQ would need to break out of Friday trading range to cause another trend type of day.

Key price level for NQ on Monday will be at 13,400 resistance and 13,220 support (13,220-13,400 trading range)