Sunday, November 8, 2020

NQ Guideline For Monday

 NQ traded sideways on Friday with selling in the early morning that was followed by a rally the rest of the day.

Now that many main stream media has declared Joe Biden has won the presidential election the stage is now set for unlimited money printing by the Fed. 

The stage is set for gold rally, stock market rally and  US dollar collapse as the future rounds on money-printing will not be sanitised, it will be pure money printing which will lead to global fiat money system currency collapse that would usher in new monetary system.

On the short term intraday time-frame, the stock market has rallied big overnight which should continue into Monday.

Key intraday line-in-the-sand for NQ on Monday will be at 12,040, bullish above, bearish below it. Below are charts showing how the stock market performed in the recent currency collapse, the top is Venezuela in Venezuela 2014-2017, and in Zimbabwe 2005-2007