Monday, May 25, 2020

NQ Guideline For Tuesday (June Contract)

The low volume globex trading session is very cheap and easy to manipulate, up or down. Currently, as I write, NQ futures is up almost 200 points in overnight session, and if NQ should open at the current trading price level, that would be one of the biggest gap-up open on record.
As such, it would put NQ already at its upside target, and could open and then tank hard, unless of course the Fed continues to aggressively buy at the open to trigger short-covering rally. If so, then we can also see a big trend up day on Tuesday.
As such, any trades taken immediately at the open will have a 50/50 probability of winning/losing, as the market can go either way.
Key price level to watch for potential support after the open is 9510.
-- If NQ sell-off after a huge gap-up open can stay above 9510, prior high-now support, we should see NQ rallying back up.
-- A break below 9510, on a pullback down move, is going to trigger massive selling, with the next lower support at 9410