Thursday, January 23, 2020

NQ Guideline For Friday

On Thursday, NQ opened and sold off immediately, but massive liquidity injection by the Fed ensured that every dip will be bought aggressively by the Fed buying machine. The Fed is stuck with their Repo-QE program.
They will have to continue to inject more and more liquidity to keep the system going. As such, we could easy see the stock market going up like Zimbabwe  stock index as the Fiat paper money system collapses.
On the intraday, key inflection price level for NQ on Friday will be at 9210.
-- NQ is now ay above 9210 at the close on Thursday, as such we could see a rally to new high get reversed and drop back down towards the 9210 zone.
-- Should NQ trades below 9210 on Friday we could see a quick drop down to lower level, but the Fed liquidity injection should provide fuels for buying panic.