Sunday, March 11, 2018

NQ Guideline for Monday

With Trump trade war against the entire world accelerating, major world central banks buy programs went into overdrive last week just to create a positive sentiment out of bad situations.
Image result for trump global trade war
Trade war is bad for the global economy, and sooner or later reality will prevail, but the timing is difficult o predict as it is now no longer an economic issue. The stage is now set for a global economic collapse, the only question is how long can central banks keep the charade going before the whole financial systems collapses.
On the short-term timeframe, the stock markets is in rally mode, especially for NQ as Friday was a breakout day for NQ.
-- As long as it remains above 7030, on the March contract, short-sellers will cover their position on any decline 
NQ remains in buy mode above 7030, but will turn into sell mode below 7030