Tuesday, January 16, 2018

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A pullback down day in the equity market on Tuesday. However, with the market now in a blow-off phase it might be just a one day pullback as the fed continues to support the market in order to keep the bubble going ahead of the midterm election.
Key price level for NQ going into Wednesday trading is 6770.
-- If they can push NQ back above 6770 overnight and keep it above 6770 by the opening bell NQ should resume its rally into another new high.
-- Should they fail and NQ opened below 6770 there could be more selling. And with everyone on the long side selling could get out of control as margin call gets triggered. The next strong support is not until 6600, and NQ could get down there very quickly.
Cryptocurrencies continues to be under attack and pullback may not be over until mid-February
Image result for cryptocurrencies