Tuesday, December 20, 2016

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Unprecedented amount of global credit creation by major world central banks helped push Dow closer and closer to 20,000. If central banks continues their current credit creation trajectory, currency collapse, also known as hyperinflation should push Dow up to the stratosphere very quickly.
Image result for dow 20,000
We can see the evidence from one of the most recent currency collapse episode where Zimbabwe stock market index went up into the stratosphere within a very short period of time, see the chart below.
Image result for zimbabwe stock market index during hyperinflation

On Tuesday NQ simply traded sideways in a very narrow range as central planners simply bought mostly wall street bank shares that made up a big proportion of the Dow.

Key support for NQ has now moved up to 4945.
-- As long as NQ can stay above 4945, sellers will be kept under control, and NQ is likely either trades sideways or rally.
-- Should NQ trades below 4945 on Wednesday, selling could come in, lower supports are at 4925 and 4900.