Sunday, October 9, 2016

NQ Guideline For Monday

On Friday, the stock market again traded sideways in a very narrow range. Unless it ccan break down below key support, the choppy sideways pattern should continue.
NQ has been trading sideways in a choppy narrow range, bouncing off 20-DMA support on the daily chart since the middle of September. Going into Monday trading, the 20-DMA support on the daily chart is around 4830. Absent of major market-moving news, NQ should continue to bounce off its 20-DMA.
Key inflection price level for NQ on Monday will be 4865.
-- Selling should be under control above 4865. However, with the bond market closed for Columbus day on Monday, look for the stock market to remains choppy and in a narrow trading range
-- Some selling may come in with NQ trading below 5865, but 4830 will serve as a powerful support. The stock market would need to be very bearish for NQ to clearly break below 4830 support.
Image result for jp morgan bank
According to JP Morgan’s September 30 Flows & Liquidity report, the pace of global bond issuance has risen significantly this year. According to the report, net bond issuance stands at $2.5 trillion so far this year, up by almost $400 billion compared to last year’s total.
This total excludes emerging market local debt but includes spread products – bonds issued outside central government. JP Morgan is forecasting a 55% rise in spread products supply for 2016 compared to 2015.