Thursday, June 23, 2016

Crash Alert - NQ Guideline For Friday

As expected on Thursday massive central banks buy programs hit the market ahead of the BREXIT referendum in order to create an illusion that all is well and triggered a massive stock market rally and tanked gold.
However the hope of the Remain Group faded very quickly as soon as the votes counting started, indicating the likely win for the BREXIT Group. 
The stock market has crashed and gold price has rocketed. Central banks is certain to intervene aggressively, buying stock and selling gold. How successful will they be remains to be seen, but be on guard for black Friday.

With central banks certain to intervene in the market on Friday, anything is possible, but 4450 would be key resistance on Friday. NQ would need to clearly break and remains above 4450 to prevent stock market crash as global deflationary pressure intensifies.