Tuesday, March 29, 2016

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

On Tuesday, massive buy programs no doubt triggered on behalf of the Fed Chairwoman to make her look good, rallied the stock market in a big way.
Massive money creation out of thin air by all the major world central banks in order to keep deflation at bay, may extend the inevitable collapse of the current monetary system for a while longer. But once the collapse begin the whole world will pay a very heavy price for the inevitable failed experiment of central banks.
For now, massive money creation by all the major central banks should continue to push the stock market up, but may also cause the collapse of the current central banks gold price suppression scheme that could lead to a massive explosion in the price of gold.
With buy programs surely to continue going forward, look for the stock market to continue to rally, running over stop-losses along the way. The next stop for NQ is 4500.
Stock bulls enjoyed another day of meaty gains and small caps led on Tuesday. Will new stock breakouts be less jarring? (ZUMAPRESS.com/Newscom)