Tuesday, January 19, 2016

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

With crude oil tanking again on Tuesday NQ sold off hard in the morning and early afternoon down to 4100 support and then bounce off in a rally into the close likely due to the end of day buy programs by the Fed.
With the price of crude oil still in free-fall look for the equity market to continue to sell-off. A break below 4100 for NQ could trigger another round of algorithm sell programs, and the next support is again the double-bottom low in September at around 4040, then the double-bottom low with August 2015 swing low at 3900.
NQ probably would need to take out one of the above double-bottom before a large snap-back rally can be expected
Just in the first 12 day of 2016 China spent over 100 billion dollars to support the Yuan