Sunday, June 8, 2014

Guideline For Monday

Friday was a narrow-range uptrending day. With the European Central Bank ECB now engaging in massive back door money-printing in order to prevent inevitable collapse, the newly created money has to find places to invest, and it may continue to go into the stock market. But how much higher can the stock market is going to go to before it collapses, is anyone's guess. 

However, for us traders, as long as the trend is up on the 60-minute and the daily chart, we should continue to buy pullbacks until at least the trend on the 60-minute chart indicates a pullback.

For Monday key support for NQ is 3780.
-- As long as pullback does not clearly violates 3780 look for NQ to make another higher high, but keep in mind that 3800 is a whole number resistance, which may or may not get broken on the first attempt to push above it.
-- Clearly breaking below 3780 is an indication that the NQ may be going into a pullback mode.