Thursday, March 6, 2014

Guideline For Friday

After making a higher high soon after the open on Thursday the market pullback down in the afternoon.

-- If the pullback is conpmlete the market should resume its uptrend, target a higher high above Thursday swing high.
-- If the pullback is still in progress, the market shoudl continue down on Friday.

Key price level for Friday is 3725 for NQ and 1874 for ES.
-- Above implies pulabck has ended and that the uptrend has rsumes.
-- Below 3725 for NQ and below 1874 for ES is an indication pullback is still in progress, next support is 1866 for ES and 3700 for NQ. It would take a very bearish market to break below the above support level.

As the conflict in the Ukraine intensifies now that the US has imposed economic sanction on Russia, the conflict will continue to influence market action.