Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Guideline For Thursday

The equity market rallied hard into the end of last year 2013 on the back of the Fed's buy programs + the inflow of funds from the collapsing bond market + the shorts covering ahead of the generally bullish first week of January.
The uptrend should continue on Thursday, with new funds that usually come in at the beginning of the month, being put to work, but there may be some resistance for NQ at 2600-2610 that can cause a pullback. How big will the pullback be, only time will tell, but as long as it does not breach support the fast uptrend should continue.

Support for Thursday is 3585 in NQ.
-- Any drop that can stay above 3585 implies the fast uptrend is continuing, resistance is at 3600-3610.
-- Breaking below 3585 is an indication NQ is going for a larger pullback before rallying back up again, with the next support at 3575.