Sunday, November 17, 2013

Guideline For Monday - NQ

NQ made another higher-high on Monday. The markets, Nasdaq, S&P, Dow, are now entering a blow-off phase of the uptrend, once completed should lead to a sharp collapse. 

Where and from what level it will collapse is very difficult to forecast as trend can go on much longer most people think.

But for now, as long as the market does not violates key technical support, the uptrend should continue. The short-term support for the current uptrend in NQ is 3400 with the next upside target at 3450.

Inflection price level for Monday is 3415.
-- Above 3415 the next target up is 3450.
-- NQ is going into consolidation mode below 3415, support is 3400-3405.

The bulls are currently in charge