Monday, October 8, 2012

Trade Guideline For Tuesday

A narrow-range down day on Monday following a reversal day on Friday. Depending on where the market trades on Tuesday, it could either be a pullback-up day or a strong sell-off day. 

The market technical pattern is set for a strong sell-off day or days.

 Key Level for Tuesday is 2762.
-- A clear and sustained break below 2762 area could trigger a massive market sell-off  with first downside target 2730
-- Above 2762 implies continual sideways consolidation day or an up-day, with resistances at 2800, then 2810-2815.

FT Pivot Numbers area:
FTP = 2783.25
R1 = 2792.00
S1 = 2770.00

Spanish anti austerity protest continues to intensify