Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trade Guideline for Friday (NQ)

For Friday, my price inflection point is 2225, and I will be looking for the usual Friday rally, right from the opening bell or after a morning decline, and it will depend on the level of the opening price in relation to the inflection point.
  • Opening above 2225 and then staying above, I will be looking for immediate rally targeting 2250, *** unless of course market Internals are extreme bullish. If so, I will be looking for the market to blast through 2250.
  • Below 2225, I am looking for the market to decline to 2209-2215 and looking to go long within the price zone, *** unless of course market Internals are extreme bearish. If so, I will not buy the support zone, but instead, looking to stay on the short side down to test Wednesday's low or lower low.
Stoploss Caveat: The market will always come back,... but when? that is the question every trader needs to decide for him or herself. Trend can go longer than we can stay solvent, hence.. the case for using stoploss.