Monday, January 31, 2011

Trade Guideline for Tuesday

NQ's breaks below Friday's low near the open on Monday failed to attract more sellers to cause a trending down day on Tuesday. A combination of intense buying by the breakdown buyers and profit-taking by the short sellers pushed price back up above 2270 key Line-in-the-Sand.

NQ's failure to break-back down below 2270 on a re-test attracted enough buyers  to cause price to rally from it to close at the day high.

Bullish close on Monday implies two possibilities for tomorrow.
1) A fast short-covering rally on Tuesday if price can stay above Monday's high, and
2) A break-back below Monday's high has the potential to start a wide-range trending down day on Tuesday particularly if NQ can break below 2270, and then breaking below Monday's low.

I will be using 2270 on NQ as a key Line-in-the-Sand again on Tuesday, and 1278 on the ES.