Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday's Recap

Today was another very clear day for trade entries and exits, as the market opened gap-up on its final leg of wave 3 which started on the 9th of December. A gap-up provided us with another easy decision for a short trade right at the open, targeting gap-close.

At gap-closed, an exit and reversed long was a prudent decision to make as gap-close was   also simultaneous with a test of prior day high, which at that time served as a support level for at least a bounce to test day high or higher high.

A second test of prior day high that failed to break through implies the morning trend was up, which was exactly what happened. A break above the initial range high that failed to follow-through to the upside implies wave 5 of 3 might have ended, hence a prudent strategy was to look for a short that should take price down to the balance point (pivot). A very large sell program must have panicked many bulls as price easily crashed down through pivot support.