Thursday, December 28, 2023

Happy New Year 2024

Friday will be the last trading day for the year 2023. Anything is possible but expect not much happening as most investors are out fo the office.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

With most investors out of the office, and without any major market-moving news, we can expect the market to continue to rally into the year end.

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Not much happened  on Tuesday as most investors are out of the office. Without any market-moving news, we could expect the same type of activities on Wednesday.

Monday, December 25, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Now that Christmas is over but most traders and investors are going to be out of the office until after the new year. As such we could continue to see low volume activities, and without any unexpected sell programs, the stock market should continue to go higher.

Technical pattern on the daily chart is looking very bullish, but the very overbought condition can cause sharp and unexpected selloff.

Intraday inflection price zone for NQ on Tuesday is at 16,990, bullish above it, bearish below it.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

Buyer came back on Thursday pushing the market up. Friday, the last trading day before Christmas could either be a narrow range choppy day or it could be a wild traading day, anything is possible.

NQ intraday inflection price level is at 16,950 bullish above it and bearish below it.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

Massive sell programs hit the stock market in the afternoon. It tanked the market hard as there was not much trading happening because of the upcoming Christmas holidays.

With most traders have gone home for the Christmas holidays we should continue to see lighter and lighter trading volume. As such, vulnerable to market manipulation, like what happened on Wednesday.

Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Thursday will be at 16,850, bulosh above ot, bearish below it.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

A narrow range bullish day for NQ on Tuesday as it continue to melt-up. NQ is now in very overbought condition on the daily chart. 

However, with many of the funds in FOMO mood going into the year end, the stock market can continue to go up and up without much pullback.

Monday, December 18, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Chart pattern on the daily chart is very bullish. As such NQ could still continue to trend up on Tuesday.

On the 5-minute chart, NQ seems ready to consolidate and trend down to support before going back up again.

However, key to Tuesday trading ia where NQ would trade soon after the open on Thursday, in relation to its inflection price level, which on Tuesday will be at 16,940, bullish above it, and implies more down move to support, 16,850 before bouncing back up.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

As expected, Friday was a sideways consolidation day with the close in the middle of the range, a neutral close.

The pattern on the daily chart is very bullish as such we could see a trend up day on Monday. However, the pattern on the 60-minute chart is indicating a down day on Monday.

Key intraday inflection price level is at 16,825, bullish above it, indication of a potential trend up day, and bearish below it with key support at 16,770

Thursday, December 14, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A sideways consolidation pattern for NQ on Thursday after a huge rally on Wednesday following a dovish FOMC announcement.

Profit-taking may continue on Friday which would imply another sideways day, however, if more shorts continue to be forced to cover, we could also see another rally day on Friday.

Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Friday will be at 16,745, bullish above it, bearish below it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

Dovish FOMC meeting announcement on Wednesday with plans to cut interest rates as early as March 2023 caused massive short-covering activities on Wednesday. Short-covering continues after m,market in overnight trading session.

NQ is currently in breakout mode. Short-sellers may have to continue to cover their position and as a result could cause massive spike non-stop rally.that could last for several days.

The next NQ resistance is 17,500

NQ Guideline For Wednesday (March contract)

NQ continued to rally on Tuesday, clearly in breakout mode above 16,465. The rally should;d continue with intraday first support at 16,515 and then 16,465.

Monday, December 11, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday (March Contract)

On Monday NQ finally broke above key resistance, 16,350 on the March contract value, then trend up slowly to close just below July swing high, 16,465, which will now be key resistance going forward.

More rally above 16,465, pullback down move below it, first support is 16,350

Sunday, December 10, 2023

NQ Guideline (March 2024 Contract)

Another narrow range sideways action for NQ on Friday. Per the new contract key support is 16,250 and resistance is 16,350.

Zone between 16,000 and 16,350 are zone of choppy sideways trading action. NQ would need to clearly breakout of the zone to cause a trading day.

Expect noptrending sideways day until NQ can breakout of the 16,000-16,350

Thursday, December 7, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

NQ continued to trade inside the range between 15,790 support level and 16,100 resistance level for over three weeks. A breakout will come, its just a matter of time..

Key support is 15,790 and key resistance at 16,250. 

Until NQ can break out of the range, it is likely to continue to trade sideways inside the narrow range of 15,790 to 16,100.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

A gap-up reversal again for NQ on Wednesday. NQ is not able to breakout of the range between 15,790 and 16,000 price range.

However, on the dily chart, NQ seems ready to breakdown below key support 15,790. When it does, this time we could see a breal breakdown. Downeside target is at 15,470 - 15,550.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ came back down to retest key support at 15,790 area soon after the open on Tuesday. When support held, buyers jumped in to buy. Although sellers came back in to sell NQ managed to close above key intraday inflection price level at 15,880 for Wednesday.

With NQ now closing above key support, 15,790 but below key resistance at 15,970, where it trades on Wednesday is key tp gauge directional move.

Should NQ opens above 15,970 we could see NQ rallying to the next resistance zone between 16,100 to 16,250.

NQ would need to trade below 15,970 to be bearish. Anting in between implies more sideways action.

Monday, December 4, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

After opening with a huge gap-down and then broke down below key support NQ rallied back up to above support by the close of the day.

Key support is again aat 15,800. A re-break below it could trigger liquidation selling, downside target at gap-close on the daily chart, at 15,550

Intraday resistance is at 15,900 which becomes support if NQ can clearly break above it, with the next higher resistance at 15,990-16,000.

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ continued to trade sideways inside a narrow range on Friday, key support at 15,790 and resistance at 16,100.

On the 60-minute chart, NQ looks ready to rally back up to test 16,100 resistance, but on the daily chart NQ seems ready to drop back down to retest 15,790 support.

On the 5-minute chart  key inflection price level is at 15,975, bullish above, bearish below it.

NQ needs to breakout of the 15,790-16,100 to trend again.

The big new now is gold breaking out above all time high. Short squeeze is imminets, upside target is 1,500 and could get there is a very short time.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

NQ continued lower in the morning on Thursday but late day profit-taking pushed NQ back up to the middle of the two day range.

NQ remains inside a consolidation range between 15,850 and 16,100. With Fridat tendency to be choppy sideways, we could see NQ trading inside the range 15,850-16,100

Intra-day inflection price level is at 16,000, with 16,000 as resistance at the close on Thursday.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

Profit-taking and double-top resistance selling caused NQ to trend down all day on Wednesday. 

With the low of the day still way above key support, 15,975, we could see NQ bounce back up towards resistance again on Thursday.

Intraday inflection price level is at 16,020 on Thursday. Trading above it is bullish, an indication NQ is going to rally back up to double-top resistance at 16,250 area.

Trading below 16,020 could see some selling, with first lower support at 15,975. If that should break we could see sharp selling to tank NQ down to the next support level, 15,790./

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ traded sideways again on Monday trading above key support level, 15,975, and closed in the upper range of the day trading range, a bullish set-up for a high probability trending up day on Wednesday.

Key level to watch for on Wednesday would be Tuesday swing high, as trading above it could trigger short-covering and buying that could push NQ higher to break above 16,250 double-top resistance.

Critical support remains between 15,750-15,825 zone. NQ remains bullish above that zone..

Sunday, November 26, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ has been trading sideways in a narrow range since it broke above double top resistance 15,850, on November 14, 2023. Now that Thanksgiving holiday is over the stock market can trend again.

15,850 is now key support, and it should hold if NQ is going to trend back up again. A break back below 15,850 is an indicatiojn NQ is going into a larger decline. 

Should NQ drop back below opening gap day low 15,790 we could see massive liquidation decline for a quick drop to close the opening gap, down to 15,470 to 15, 550 area.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A sideways narrow range trading action for NQ on Tuesday. Going into the Thanksgiving weekend we could see more choppy sideways trading action as most traders and investors are out of their offices.

Monday, November 20, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

 After three consecutive days of consolidation NQ finally trend up again on Monday. With a short trading week due to thanksgiving holidays we could see NQ continuing to trend up all week.

The next double-top resistance is at 16,250. NQ may need to break above that price level before the end of the week.

Key support for NQ is 15,950

Sunday, November 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ traded sideways in a very narrow range again on Friday, the third day in a row, setting up for a larger range day soon, and it can be on Monday.

Key inflection price level is now at 15,900, bullish above, bearish below.

NQ would need to break out of the range, 15,800-15,950 to cause a large range day, up or down.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A very narrow sideways trading range for NQ on Thursday, the second consecutive consolidation days following a huge gap-up opening on Wednesday.

With NQ closing above key support at 15,800 we could see a trend up day for NQ on Friday if it can break and stay above key resistance of 15,900.

Although the bias at Thursday close is bullish, a sustained break out of the 15,800-15,900 trading range could cause a large and fast move away from the range, upward or downward.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ opened with a gap-up but then quickly reversed and trade down to to close at the low of the day. It was a reversal day.

Key intraday support for NQ was where it closed for the day, 15,830, bullish above it, and bearish below it with critical support at 15,800.

A sustained break below 15,000 is an indication NQ may just drop lower to close the gap, and down to support at 15,475.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

All major indices opened with a huge gap-up following lower than expect inflation number but then traded sideways all day setting up another trending-up day on Wednesday as shorts are forced to cover.

Key intraday line-in-the-sand will be Tuesday's swing low. As long as NQ can stay above Tuesday low we should see another uptrending day or another consolidation day.

The next double-top resistance is 16,250, double-top with July 2023 swing high.

Monday, November 13, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ traded sideways on Monday following a large trending up day on Friday when it broke out and close above key breakout level, 15,475, double-top on the daily chart.

With Monday closing remaining above breakout, we should see NQ trending up again on Tuesday, if it can stay above key support 15,475, with or without any further consolidation.

Key support is 15,465-15,475. Support must hold for the next trend up day to happen. A break below 15,465 is bearish.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ broke out above double-top resistance 15,465 on Friday. As such, stoplosses and buy programs were triggered causing large trend-up day on Friday.

NQ may need to have intraday pullback to breakout supports at 15,465 before rocketing back up again, or it may just trend up again right away on Monday if enough short-seller panic and cover.

Key price level to watch for on Monday will be at Friday's low. As long as pullback down move stays above Friday low the breakout price moves should continue, next upside target is above another double-to resistance at 15,825 

War in the middle east can change market sentiments without warning.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

On Thursday NQ failed to break above 15,475 double-top resistance. As such double-top resistance sellers and profit-takers caused NQ trend down, resulted in a large down day for NQ on Thursday.

With Friday tendency to be a choppy sideways day we could see a sideways day for NQ on Friday if it can stay above 15,250 key intraday support level.

Breaking below support could cause more profit-taking activities that should push NQ lower down to 15,100 support.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ traded sideways on Wednesday just below the double-top resistance on the daily chart at 15,475, setting up a high probability breakout above 15,475 resistance.

Should the breakout occurs we should see massive short-covering and buying activities that should propel NQ higher with the first upside target at 15,800.

Should NQ failed to break above resistance we could see another sideways day with a slight bias to the downside, a pullback down day.

War in Gaza is still a potential market mover as it can affect crude oil prices.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Tuesday was a trend up-day following a consolidation day on Monday. Wednesday could be a consolidation day following Tuesday trend-up day.

Key price level to watch for on Wednesday will be the double-top resistance at 15,475. A break should trigger another round of short-covering, with the next upside target at 15,800. 

A failure to break above it is an indication that NQ may just trade sideways before breaking above it.

Monday, November 6, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ made a slight higher high above Friday swing high but it then traded sideways after it failed to break above upper trendline resistance at 15,250. A sideways consolidation is a setup up for the next thrust higher.

Key price level to break on Tuesday is 15,250. A break could generate another round of buying activities that could go on for another three day with the next upside target above its daily chart double-top resistance at 15,475. likely target at 15,.800 before pulling back down for two to three days. 

Key news to watch for, that can instantly change the future price trend is the war between Israel and the Palestinian as to its impact on crude oil price.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

Another large up day for NQ on Friday. Friday swing high was at upper trendline resistance now at 15,200 and the 7th day on the current bounce from the low on 26th October. As suct NQ could have another upday before pulling back down.

If NQ should clearly beak above 15,200 resistance NQ could have another up daymoving towards the next higher resistance is at 15,500, double top with October high.

If NQ should pullback down, first support is at 15,000.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Q Guideline For Friday

Thursday was the third large up day in a row for NQ and Thursday high of the day was bumping up against some overhead resistance starting at around 15,000 price level. 

As such, unless NQ could blast through to the upside and trigger another round of short-covering, we could see NQ pulling back and trade sideways on Friday.

Support for NQ on Friday are 14,850 and 14,700

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A sideways trading action for NQ on Wednesday ahead of the FOMC policy decision announcement on Wednesday. With most expecting no change in policy we could see the short starting to cover. If so, we should see a big rally day.

Key price level to watch for on Wednesday will be at 14,500, bullish above and bearish below it.

Monday, October 30, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Another pullback-up day for NQ on Monday, the second day in a row, likely waiting for the FOMC meeting announcement on Wednesday. 

If the current downswing is still in progress NQ should resume lower on Tuesday, perhaps after rallying back up to resistance between 14,500 - 14,585.

If NQ manage to rally back above 14,850, it is an indication that the current downswing has likely ended. If so ;look for NQ to continue to bounce back up to its upper trendline resistance at 15,150.

Key inraday inflection price level for NQ on Tuesday is at 14,400, bullish above it, bearish below it

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ traded sideways on Friday following two large consecutive down days. On Monday NQ is likely to continue lower if it is not able to trade  and stay above 14,400 key resistance for Monday.

Key price level for NQ on Monday will be at 14,150 support and 14,400 resistance.

The next support is 13,700.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

Another large sell-off day for NQ and the whole equity market on Thursday. After two large down days we are likely to get a pause day where NQ may just simply trade sideways before tanking again on Monday next week.

NQ has broken below key support at around 14,600 which is now its first resistance on any pullback rally.

NQ next lower support is not until 13,700

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

Big sell-off in NQ on Wednesday and the selling has continued into the overnight globex trading session. It now has dropped down to its key 200-day moving average on the daily chart, and it is likely to break below it at the open on Thursday.

It could easily drop below it on Thursday especially if the 10-year bond yield is able to break above key 5% level.

The next strong support is at 14,000 level.

Gold and bitcoin is where many investors are putting their money as a safe haven asset.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

 A sideways price action for NQ on Tuesday following a large reversal up-day on Monday.

At the end of the day on Tuesday NQ looks set to drop back down to retest recent support at 14,580. As long as that support level hold on a retest we could see NQ bouncing back up.

If on the other hand support is clearly broken we could se a big and quick decline down to lower support at 14,300.

Key inflection price level for NQ on Wednesday will be at 14,800

Monday, October 23, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ opened with a gap-down but was quickly reversed to trap break-down short-sellers, As such NQ rallied all morning before going into pullback mode in the afternoon.

The pattern looks set to rally again on Tuesday morning. To do so, it has to break above 14,800 key level, and then rally higher with first major resistance at 15,000 - 15,100 .price zone.

A break-back below 14,650 is bearish

Sunday, October 22, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A large down-trending day for NQ on Friday with a close at the low of the day. 

With the double bottom with July 27th low less than 100 points below Friday low there would be attempts by some large algos to break below the double-bottom low of 14,587 low to run over massive stop-losses congregating just below it.

If so, the next downside target is at 14,200 and the drop should be very fast.

Key price level to watch for o Monday will be at 14,660 as support and 14,800 as resistance. A break above 14,800 is bullish with the next higher resistance at 14,900-15,000

Thursday, October 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

After trading sideways above support on Thursday NQ finally sold off hard in the afternoon, dropping down to the next lower key support zone at between 14,800-14,850

Key indicator to watch on Friday will be the 10-year treasury bond yield key level at 5%. A clear break above 5% level is likely to trigger algorithm sell programs in the equity market which should crash below 14,800 level in NQ.

If the 10-year yield can stay below 5%, we could see NQ staying above 14,800 level and then trade sideways. with first resistance at 15,000.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

On the daily chart NQ has been trading in a down-sloping channel since its July 2023 swing high. On Wednesday NQ closed just above its key support price level at 15,000.

Going forward, trading above 15,000 is an indication NQ is going back to retest upper channel at 15,500. However, a sustained break below 15,000 is an indication NQ would need to go lower to its lower support level at 14,000 before going into a multi-day bounce.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

On the bigger picture daily chart, NQ is showing a bearish head and shoulder pattern. 

The rally from a pullback low was an A-B-C wave pattern equal drive, 1:1 to .786 Fibonacci retracement level which then stalled at that level and started to drop back down to key support level, 15,375, the 20-moving average on the daily chart.

Going forward, 15,375 would be key trigger level for many algorithm, buy mode above it, but sell mode below it.

As such, 15,375 will be key level to watch on Monday, bullish above it, bearish below it.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A narrow range consolidation day for NQ on Thursday. The stock market may continue to trade sideways as Friday tends to be choppy.

Key inflection price level for NQ is still at 15,475, bullish above it bearish below it

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

The US credit rating downgrade trigger sell-off in the US market on Wednesday. NQ dropped down then close at key support, 15,475

For Thursday 15,475 will be key inflection price level, bullish above it, bearish below  it. Next support is at 15,000-15,150

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ remained inside the narrow range on Tuesday. Support is 15,474, and resistance is at 16,050. NQ needs to get out of the range to trigger a large range day. Until then, we can expect choppy narrow range days.

Monday, July 31, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

A very narrow range sideways trading action for NQ on Monday. The pattern is going to continue until NQ breaks below support, 15,475.

There is not many buyers left but not many wants to sell above 15,475 support.

Intraday inflection price level for NQ on Tuesday will be at 15,800.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

On Friday NQ rallied back up. On the daily chart, NQ looks like in a topping process.Key support at 156,475 is still providing strong support. 

However, there is not much buy power left but selling would not continue until NQ clearly break below 15,475.

Key intraday inflection price level is at 15,770, bullish above it, with resistance at 15,900, bearish below it.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

On Thursday NQ opened with a gap-up and then sold off right away. NQ is currently in a very overbought condition on longer term timeframe, daily and weekly chart.

Key support for NQ remains at 15,475 prior swing high from June 16, 2023. Until that support is broken. NQ could continue to trade sideways above it.

A sustained break below it will tank NQ hard. The next key lower support is at 14,840, with some minor support at 15,000-15,150.

Friday tend sto be a sideways day.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

Even after the FOMC decision announcement on Wednesday NQ continued to trade sideways. For now, key support remains at 14,475 and resistance at 15,700, a vary narrow range.

On the daily chart, NQ looks ready to break below 15,475 support , with the next support at 14,840, with several minor support levels above it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

The market traded sideways on Tuesday ahead of the FOMC decision on Wednesday afternoon. The market usually trade sideways ahead of the decision.

The announcement usually cause a choppy action short;y after the announcement. Once the market settle down we could see the market trend, usually not until the next day.

However, key support for NQ is at 15,470, with resistance at 15,750. A sustained break out of the range should cause a trending move.

A break to the downside below 15,470 could tank NQ down to 14,840 very quickly.

At the end of the day NQ looks ready to tank, likely after the FOMC decision. It should tank if it breaks below 474.

Monday, July 24, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ traded sideways on Monday. With the market waiting for the FOMC to announce their policy decision on Wednesday this week we could see NQ continuing to trade sideways in a narrow range going into the announcement.

Support is 15,470 and resistance aat 15,700. Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Tuesday will be at 15,590

Sunday, July 23, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ traded sideways on Friday following a very large down day on Thursday.The low of the day on Friday was still above strong support zone between 15,350 to 15,470.

Key resistance on the intraday basis is 15,700. As long as NQ remains below 15,700 we could still see NQ dropping down top 15,350-15,470

Intraday inflection price for NQ on Monday will be at 15,590, bullish above it, bearish below it.

With the FOMC metting on Tuesday and Wednesday we could see NQ trading in a range until after Wednesday FOMC policy announcement.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A very large down day for NQ on Thursday. NQ low of the day was just above strong support, prior swing high from June and early July, now support, 15,400-15,500

It is very possible NQ may test support around 15,400-15,500 before bouncing and trade tideways on Friday.

On the 5-minute chart, key resistance is at 15,700. We could see strong short-covering rally if NQ trades above it, with strong resistance at 15,850.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ traded sideways in a narrow trading range on Wednesday following a large trend day on Tuesday. At the end of the day NQ looks ready to sell-off but it was not able to break down below support.

For Thursday We could see NQ selling off to lower support is it can break key intraday support at 15,900. If so the next lower support is at 15,860

Bullish above 15,900 but with NQ on overbought condition on the daily chart and on the 60-minute chart, we could see sideways action on Thursday.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A large rally for NQ on Tuesday after trading down to support in the early morning trading session.

NQ is likely to trade sideways on Wednesday if it trades back below 15,960, key inflection price level.

Lower support is at 15,850.

Monday, July 17, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

With NQ in overbought condition on the daily chart and the 60-minute chart, NQ rally was choppy and narrow-range on Monday.

Key intraday support for NQ on Tuesday will be at 15,815, bullish above it, bearish below it with first support at 15,760, then at 15,670 

Key support on the daily chart is at 15,475, prior swing high from June 16, 2023, and as long as NQ remains above it our upside target remains between 16,000-16,250

Sunday, July 16, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

On Friday after rallying up to higher-high, end of the week profit-taking pull NQ back down to key intraday support 15,675. 

15,675 will be key support for NQ on Monday. As ling as NQ trades above 15,675 on Monday we should see NQ rallying back uP to another higher high.

Trading below 15,675 is bearish. If so NQ is likely to drop down to key breakout support T 15,475

Thursday, July 13, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A short-covering day for NQ on Thursday. Friday is likely a consolidation day as NQ was in overbought zone at the end of the day on Thursday

Key intraday support for Friday trading is 15,675, bullish above it and bearish below it.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

After opening with a big gap up on Wednesday NQ trade sideways in a barrow trading range. NQ may need to consolidate for another day before breaking out to the upside.

Key price level would be at 15,475, bullish above it. If NQ should trade above it and continue to push higher, it may cause short-covering and cause a trending up day.

Trading below 15,475 is an indication NQ could drop back down to support, 15,275 area.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Another sideways choppy day for NQ on Tuesday with the close in the bullish zone. As long as nothing changes the pattern in a drastic way when the market opens on Wednesday NQ should continue to rally with key support at 15,200. 

As long as NQ remains above 15,200 the rally should continue, next resistance us 15,325 then the double-top at 15,374.

Monday, July 10, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ traded sideways on Monday with a close at key inflection price zone for Tuesday trading, 15,200. bullish above it, bearish below it.

First resistance is at 15,525, and first support is at 15,000.

Trading range on the daily chart is between 14,840 support and 15,475 resistance (14,840-15,475) just ove 600 point trading range.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

NQ traded sideways on Friday as expected. On the daily chart, NQ is setup to drop lower likely on Monday. 

Intraday inflection price level for NQ on Monday will be at 15,250, bullish above it but bearish below it.

If NQ should trade below 15,250 we could see a fast drop down to the next major support level at 15.000 and likely down to 14,870 if 15,000 support does not hold.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A sideways price action for NQ on Thursday. NQ opened with a gap-down but then rallied back up. On the daily chart, it looks like NQ is setting up for a big dump, but with Friday tendency to trade sideways we could see NQ next leg down may have to wait until Monday next week

On the intraday timeframe, support is 15,130, and resistance is 15,300. Unless NQ can break out of the 15,130 support and 15,300 resistance, NQ should just trade inside the range.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

A sideways trading ction for NQ on Wednesday, the day after the 4th of july holiday as most traders and investors are still on holiday.

Key inflection price level for NQ on Thursday will be at 15,360, bullish above, bearish below.

First support is 15,225

Thursday, June 29, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

Another sideways trading pattern for NQ on Thursday. Ahead of the long 4th of July holiday weekend we could see a real strong rally if the shorts decide to cover. 

T so NQ would need to break clear above 14,130 and then above 15,200 which would have the potential to trigger short-covering.

Failure to do so could lead to another sideways day as Friday tends to have a sideways pattern.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ traded sideways on Wednesday. As such we could see a trending day on Thursday, the direction will depends on where it trades in relation to its intra-day inflection price level.

For Thursday NQ inflection price level is at 15,130, bullish above it, with first resistance at Wednesday's high 15,220, and bearish below it with first support at 15,000.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

After dropping down to strong support at 14,850 on Monday NQ rallied all day on Tuesday with the high of the day at key resistance of 15,140.,

15,140 will be key resistance on Wednesday, bullish above it withe next resistance at next 15,325, and bearish below it, with the next support at 15,000

Monday, June 26, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

A down day for NQ on Monday. The low of the day was at 14,850 support level. The next lower support is at 14,800

NQ may want to trade sideways on Tuesday. If so NQ should stay above 14,800 support and then rally above 14,925 inflection price level for Tuesday.

Trading below 14,800 is going to run over more trailing stop-loss and could cause a big drop down to lower support at 14,480 and then at 14,230.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways trading action for NQ on Friday, the usual Friday trading pattern.

On Monday key inflection price level is at 15,150, bullish above it bearish below it.

Support is at 14,800-14,850

Thursday, June 22, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A rally day for NQ on Thursday after opening with a gap-down. What happen on Friday will depend on where NQ trades in relation to its key intraday inflection price level.

For NQ on Friday that level will be at 15,140, bullish above it with the next resistance at 15,325, and bearish below it with the next support at 14, 870

With Friday tendency to trade sideways, if bullish, NQ may trade between 15,140 to 15,325, and if bearish, NQ ay trade between 15,140 and 14,970, but strong support is not until 14,870.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

A pullback-down day for NQ on Wednesday, with the close near the day low.

A the end of the day NQ looks ready to drop down lower to its next support at 14,877, previous swing high now support.

NQ would have to trade back and stay above 15,130 to be on the bullish bias again.

Intraday inflection price level is 15,080.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A sideways action for NQ on Tuesday, with a neutral close. A such, NQ can go either way on Wednesday, with key resistance at 15,330, and key support at 15,125.

Key inflection price level will be at 15,225, bullish above it bearish below it.

Monday, June 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

The US financial market was closed on Monday, a new holiday, Thus the forcast for Tuesday would be the same as for Monday

Key inflection price level for NQ will be at 15,300, bullish above it, bearish below it, implies larger pullback in progress, with downside target at 15,120.

Trading below it is an indication NQ is going into a larger pullback down move.

NQ Guideline For Monday

A pullback profit-taking day for NQ on Friday, often what happens on Friday.

Key inflection price level foi NQ on Monday will be at 15,300, bullish above it, bearish below it with first support at 15,130, and a potential bounce zone.

Trading below 15,130 is an indication NQ is going into a larger pullback.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

Following Wednesday's consolidaion NQ had a trending-up day on Tursday as the shorts continmueed to get squeezed.

Tomorrow Friday is likely a sideways type of day. NQ has rallied to fast and in very overbought zone, vulnerable to sharp sell-off corrections.

Key inflection price level for NQ on Friday will be at 15,355 with first resistance at Thursday high, and first support at 15,215

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

The Fed did not raise its short term interest rat on Wednesday, qand promised to not cut interest rate for at least two years.

The Fed is stuck between two bad options. Iyt needs to keep raising interest rate to prevent the dollar collapse. However, keeping interest rates high would kill the US economy. The pain from collapsing US dollar which will take the G7 currencies with it would be far greater.

As such, we can expect the Fed to keep raising its Fed Fund rate in the future

For now, the stock market may be in its final stage of short-covering, and it should end soon.

Key intraday support for NQ on Thursday will be at 14,975, bullish above it, bearish below it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ traded sideways on Tuesday. As such we should see a trending-up day on Wednesday. To do so, NQ would need to stay above Tuesday high

If that is not the case we could see sharp pullback down move. If so we would have to see NQ trading below support at 14,965

Monday, June 12, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

A trend-up day for NQ on Monday. Normally following a trending day we would get a sideways consolidation day.

Next upside target is 15,050, first support is 14,870.

The current uptrend is nearing the end, but for now, as long as NQ stayes above 14,000, bulls are in control. NQ is in currently overbought zone on the daily chart, and could starts to get a larger decline as many traders starts to take profit.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways trading pattern for NQ on Friday, a setup for the next rally day or a trend down day.

The direction of the move will depends on where NQ trades in relation to its key intraday inflection price level, 14,690 for NQ on Monday.

Bullish above 14,690 with the first resistance is 14,870 and bearish below it with the first support at 14,690. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ opened with a huge gap-up into deep overbought zone and then sold off as traders took profit on their long position.

On Wednesday NQ may continue to pullback down, or rally back up again, depending on where it trades in relation to its key intraday inflection price level, 14,335 on the intraday chart., bullish above, bearish below it.

Monday, May 29, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

The stock market was engineered higher on Friday ahead of the long holiday weekend and ahead of the debt ceiling shows.

Once the debt ceiling agreement has been decided and agreed upon the stock market is going to crash very fast until the Fed pause their rate hiking cycle and in fact restart QE again. 

The Fed is likely to let the stock market collapse quite a bit before restarting QE because of the high inflation, which will sky rocket once the Fed restarts QE

On the intraday basis, 14,330, bullish above it, bearish below it.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A huge gap-up open for NQ on Thursday. The buy programs seems to become very active at night when the  trading volume is very low and the market is easy to manipulate.. 

The stock market is getting pushed higher in anticipation of the agreement on the debt ceiling which needs to be done the 1st of June. The terms of the debt ceiling agreement is going to determine whether or not the rally is going to  continue a bit longer, or would the stock market collapse immediately. Anything is possible.

Intraday inflection price level for NQ on Friday is at 14,000. Its Friday as such we could expect a choppy sideways type of day.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

A sideways type of day for NQ on Wednesday. However, NQ has now rally about 200 points from the close in overnight trading. 

If NQ should open at around the current price level, 13,830, on Thursday we could see some sideways trading action, a pullback-down towards 13,750 price area, usually in a-b-c wave pattern, before rallying back up, as long as the pullback is choppy.

Key intraday support for NQ on Thursday will be at 13,750, bullish above, bearish below it. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ pullback down from 14,000 resistance zone, a pullback down day. The pattern of the current pullback would tell us whether or not it is setting a stage for a real breakout above 14,000 resistance or a falsebreakoit, or a no-breakout.

Is it going to be a 1 to 3 day pullback before breaking above 14,000 resistance , or is it something else.

On the intraday basis, key resistance level for NQ on Wednesday is at 13,850, bullish above it, still bearish below it. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Another higher high for NQ on Monday. NQ is now bumping into very strong resistance, a double top resistance with August 2022 swing high at 14,000 .

Some large algos would love to temporarily break above it in a major way, for several days, to trigger short-covering before quickly reversing it back down to cause maximum momentum moves due to trapped breakout traders.

On the intraday basis, key support for NQ on Tuesday will be at 13,8754, bullish above it, resistance is at  14,000

Thursday, May 18, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

More shorts were forced to cover on Thursday sending NQ upward to near key resistance zone 14,000 area. 

It is possible that NQ may just pushes higher to the 14,000 zone before trading sideways as is usual for Friday.

Key intraday inflection price zone for NQ on Friday will be at 13,850, bullish above, bearish below it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

After staying above 13,300 brekout level for five consecutive day a significant number of shorts decided to cover, sending NQ into trending rally mode on Wednesday. 

NQ is now in overbought on the daily chart, as such it may need to have a 2 to 3 day pullback coming soon before continuing the rally.

The next resistance and upside target is 14,000. It would likely need a ullback before reaching that target.

Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Thursday will be at n bullish above it, bearish below it with first support at 13,550support for NQ on Thursday will be at 13,550.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

NQ Guideline for Wednesday

There is really not much happening in the market on Tuesday. NQ can continue to go slightly higher high on a daily basis, but eventually it will end.

On Tuesday NQ continue to trade sideways in a choppy narrow range intraday pattern. The pattern should continue on Wednesday.

Intraday support is now at 13,450, a break could take NQ to lower support at 13,550.

If NQ stays above 13,450, the next upside target is a higher high above Tuesday swing high.

Monday, May 15, 2023

NQ Guideline for Tuesday

Another slow choppy narrow range day for NQ on Monday. The pattern is going to continue. until key support, 13,000 is clearly violated.

On Tuesday key intraday support is 13,350. The choppy narrow range type of trading pattern is going to continue to frustrate traders.

The pattern will change as soon as the next down leg begins.Key support to break in order to trigger trending trending days is 13,.000.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways trading pattern type of day for NQ on Friday. NQ remained above key breakout price level, 13,300 on Friday. However a lack of buying interest is holding back a fast rally type of day.

The lack of buying is an indication NQ is topping and the next down leg will come soon. Many sellers are still waiting on the sideline until we can see conformation that the downtrend has started.

Key support for that would be at 13,000. NQ would need a sustained break below 13,000 to trigger heavy selling.

On Monday key intraday price level is 13,300, bullish above it and bearish below it.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A very narrow range short-covering rally day for NQ on Thursday. The current rally should continue with NQ trading above 13,350. 

The rally could be slow narrow range and choppy or it could be fast and large if enough shorts starts to cover.

As long as NQ remains above 13,350 it should continue to have a bullish bias

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ finally broke above resistance 13,350, resistance that has been stopping previous attempts for for over a month.

Now that its been violated we could see some short-covering for the next several days as long as NQ remains above 13,350 resistance, now support.

Once the current breakout short-covering has ended, as most weak hand has exited, we should see NQ starts to trend back down.

Key support now is 13,350, and NQ is bullish above it

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A very narrow range day for NQ on Tuesday. It looks like a setup for the next down leg but NQ remains inside a trading range, 13,000 support and 13,350 resistance.

We need a clear break to see a good trending moves. Until then NQ should contnue to chop around in a very narrow range.

Monday, May 8, 2023

NQ Guideline for Tuesday

A very narrow range day for NQ on Monday. NQ is still stuck inside the range between 13,000 to 13,300. It would eventually break out of the range. 

Credit continues to contract and should eventually started to drag stock prices down. The questions is just when.

Key support remains at 13,000 and key resistance at 13,300

On the intraday basis, key price level to watch on Tuesday will be at 13,300, acting as support as of the close on Monday.

NQ Guideline For Monday

After dropping down to test support (13,000) on Thursday NQ rallied back to resistance on Friday. NQ remained stuck inside the 13,000-13,3000 trading zone.  As such a sustained break out of the zone is going to trigger a sustained trend out of the zone.

On the intraday basis, key price level for NQ on Monday will be at 13,300, bullish above it bearish below it.

For now,we would just have to wait for a sustained break out of the 13,000-13,300 zone to follow the breakout.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

NQ traded sideways on Thursday with the low of the day at key support level, 13,000. Going forward, 13,000 price level would continue to be key support.

On Friday if NQ remains above 13,000 we are likely to see sideways trading action again.

Resistance is at 13,165.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ continued to trade inside the current trading range between 13,000 to 13,300, and would continue to do so until we get a clear breakout of the zone.

On the longer term timeframe, the daily and the weekly, the pattern is bearish, and the upcoming break should be to the downside.

Key price level for Thursday will remain at 13,000 support and 13,300 resistance.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Ahead of the FOMC decision on Wednesday, NQ simply trade sideways on Tuesday. It is possible NQ may continue to trade sideways on Wednesday.

The market is expecting a 25 basis point rate hike on Wednesday. Whether or not the language of the FOMC decision would be ebough to know the market out of its current trading range,  we just have to wait and see.

Key levels for NQ going forwars is 13,000 support and 13,300 resistance.

Monday, May 1, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ traded sideways at resistance, still not able to break clear above 13,300 resistance. NQ may continue to trade sideways until the Fed announcement on Wednesday.

The pattern on the daily chart continued to look toppy and should trend down soon, The FOMC announcement on Wednesday could be the trigger for NQ to starts trending again.

On the intraday timeframe, I am not expecting too much movement away from current balance zone from 13,300 key price level.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways trading action for NQ on Friday with the close above key resistance at 13,300. For Monday 13,300 will be key rice level. Trading above 13,300 could trigger another round of short-covering rally.

With the FOMC meeting announcement on Wednesday we could see bullish price action as the Fed may want to cause a major rally ahead of them raising another 25 basis point raise in short-term interest rate.

Trading below 13,300 is bearish. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

On Thursday NQ opened with a huge gap-up above 13,000 key support that was broken on Wednesday. As such, the shorts were forced to cover triggering all day short-covering rally.

NQ closed just below key resistance at 13,300, which will be key price level and key resistance for NQ on Friday and going forward.

If NQ is not able to break above 13,300 on Friday we should see NQ pulling back down and trade sideways, with key support at 13,000.

A sustained break above 13,300 should trigger another round of short-covering rally.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

NQ Guideline For

A sideways trading action the day after a trending down day on Tuesday. If NQ remains below 13,000 previous support now resistance we should see another down day on Thursday. 

To do so it must break below 12,870 support and trend lower, with the next support at 12,700-12,750

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ finally broke below support and then trend down all day. At the end of the day after the regular trading sessions has closed, some large buy program was triggered to push the market up. However, the trend down had started and should continue down.

Key intraday price level for NQ on Wednesday will be at 13,000 and it is a key resistance, with support at 12,750. Tradiong below 12,750 could cause another trend down day on Wednesday, above it implies likely sideways consolidation price action.

Monday, April 24, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

Another sideways day for NQ on Monday as NQ remaines inside a narrow trading range between support and resistance. Trading range support is now at 12,970 and resistance at 13,225.

NQ looks ready to break below support and trend down, with the next downside target at 12,750, then 12,550

For Tuesday key intraday resistance is at 12,060, bullish above it and bearish below it

Sunday, April 23, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

As expected, NQ traded sideways on Friday. NQ should continue to trade sideways until it breaks out of the current trading range between 13,000 to 13,300, and then stay out or the range on a break, triggering more buying or selling depending on where it breaks out to.

I still expect the breakout to be to the downside. Key support is 13,000.

On the intraday timeframe, key price level for NQ on Monday will be at 13,120 resistance and 13,056 support.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

Another sideways price action for NQ on Thursday. With Friday tendency to be choppy sideways trading pattern we could see another similar pattern on Friday.

Key price level for NQ on Friday will be at 13,150, bullish above and bearish below it. We may even see NQ dropping down to lower support 12,900-12,950, on Friday. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

Another narrow range sideways day for N on Wednesday. This type of trading pattern is going to continue until NQ breaks out of the trading range, 13,000-13,300

The break is likely to the downside with the downside target at 12,400-12,600 before a bounce. 

On the intraday basis, key support is now at 13,150.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

NQ is still trading inside the current trading range with 13,00 support and 13,300 resistance. On Tuesday NQ traded between 13,300 resistance and 13,150 support. 

13,150 is now inflection price level for NQ on Wednesday with resistance at 13,300 and support at 13,000

We need to see a clear break out of the 13,000-13,300 trading zone before we can get a larger intraday trading range.

Monday, April 17, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ remained inside a balance zone between 13,000 as support and 13,300 as resistance. 

Price actions is showing us that the more likely break is to the downside, meaning that NQ would break below 13,000 support and then tank down to 12,500 area.

On the intraday timeframe inflection price level for NQ on Tuesday is at 13,150

Sunday, April 16, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways trading action for NQ on Friday. NQ is currently stuck between 13,000 support and 13,300 resistance. It needs to breakout of the trading range to trigger trending moves.

The current rally that started in March has ran into overbought condition on the daily chart, and it is not able to trend up until it gets a decent pullback down moves.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

NQ opened with a gap-up on Thursday with the buy program that started during overnight trading continuing all day on Thursday. NQ is now back in the bullish zone.

Key support for NQ on Friday will be at 13,100. As long as any pullback can stay above 13,100 we could see NQ rallying or trading sideways in a trading range as is often what happens on Fridays..

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

The market manipulators tried to trigger a short-covering after the lower than expected CPI number on Wednesday morning, but the gap-up open was immediately sold.

After the midday rally seller came beack in to sell in the afternoon that lasted until the close.

NQ should continue to sell-off on Thursday if it can break below its key support level at 12,930. If 12,930 support can hold we could see NQ bouncing back up to 13,100.

Trading below 12,930 support could tank NQ down to lower support levels at 12,850 then 12,730

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

A very narrow range trading action for NQ on Tuesday as traders and investors wait for the release of CPI numbers on Wednesday. As such we should see bigger moves and larger trading range on Wednesday.

Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Wednesday will be at 13,150, bullish above it, bearish below it. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

On Monday, after opening with a huge gap-down and then dropping down to support, NQ started to rally which lasted all day into the close.

The rally should continue on Tuesday, either with a pullback, or without a pullback, and the next upside target is at 13.350-13,400.

Key breakout resistance price level to break is at 13,190. If NQ can clearly break above 13,190 we could see fast short-covering rally.

Key support for NQ to stay bullish is at 13,000

Sunday, April 9, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

On Thursday after making a lower low below Wednesday swing low NQ rallied ahead of the long holiday weekend, a normal bullish-bias trend ahead of a long weekend.

On Monday we could see the dominant trend reasserting itself trend. The dominant daily trend is currently still up, but decelerating. As such, we could see NQ trending back down on Monday. If so, NQ should trade below support, 13,080

Key intraday price levels on Monday will be at 13,200 as resistance, trading above it will be bullish, and 13,080 as key support, and NQ will be bearish below it.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

On Wednesday, NQ sold off hard in the morning and then consolidated sideways in the afternoon. The afternoon pattern looks like a big bear flag (bearish pattern),. If so, it should sell-off again on Thursday with the next support at 12,877.

Key intraday line-in-the-sand for NQ on Thursday will be at 13,080, bullish above, with the next resistance at 13,150, and bearish below it.

Friday is easter, as such the market may get choppy

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Another narrow range consolidation day for Nq on Tuesday.With NQ closing right at it balance price zone, the direction of its movement on Wednesday will depend of where it trades in relation to its inflection price level, which for Wednesday will be at 13,230.

Above 13,230 we could see NQ rallying back up to retest Tuesday swing high while trading below it is an indication NQ is going into a deeper pullback down mode to retest breakout price level, 13,000-13,070.

Monday, April 3, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

NQ traded sideways on Monday following a trending up day on Friday.

There is a good possibility that NQ would again trade trade sideways on Tuesday if it is not able to trade above Friday swing high, and then continue higher.

Key price level for NQ on Tuesday will be Friday swing high. 

Trading above Friday high has the potential to trigger more short-covering, and could result in another trending up day. If so the next resistance is between 13,350 to 13,500.

trading below Friday high implies more sideways trading pattern with support at 13,200. Trading below 13,200 implies more selling with the next lower support at 13,000-13,070

Sunday, April 2, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

On Friday NQ opened and then quickly rally above Thursday high forcing the shorts to cover. Short-covering continued into the close on Friday. It was a trending up day on Friday.

More shorts may need to cover, and the target is still inside th range of 13,350-13,500 for the short-covering before we can expect a 2 to 3 days pullback down days on profit-taking.

On Monday we could see some pullback before the rally resumes. Key support for pullback is at 13,100. Still bullish above it. but trading below Friday high may cause a sideways consolidation type of day.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

On Thursday NQ opened with a gap-up above 13,000 key line-in-the-sand on the daily chart. 

After coming back down to re-test 13,000 broken resistance turned support, NQ then rallied and close near the day high, setting up a highly likely short-covering rally day..

If NQ could stay above 13,000 it would start to squeeze the shorts, and could start to rally quite quickly, with the next upside target at 13,350 to 13,500.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

On Wednesday, NQ opened with a huge gap-up  There was still not much buying so NQ end up with a trend up day with a narrow range, mostly from short-covering..

The high of the day was at key resistance of 13,000, which is now key inflection price level. 

If NQ could break and stay above 13,000 we could start to see some shorts get forced to cover. If so, it should start o pusg higher. 

Then after breaking above some price level, the short-covering sould intensify and thus may start to trigger a fast rally. 

If NQ is not able to break above 13,000 in a sustained fashion, sellers could start to become aggressive  which would push NQ back down to support, 12,850

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

The stock market remains stuck inside a trading zone between 13,000 resistance and 12,12,200 support because the Fed is doing massive QE to counteract  a contracting liquidity from global banking crisis.

Key intraday price level for NQ on Wednesday will be at 12,780, bullish above it, and bearish below it.

Monday, March 27, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

A sideways trading action for NQ on Monday. the 5th consecutive day inside a narrow trading range between 12,670 support and 13,000 resistance.

On the daily chart NQ looks ready to drop down towards support  12,500, and it is going to do so on a break below 12,670 support.A break above 13,000 implies NQ is going towards a higher high.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways trading action for NQ on Friday, 

On the daily chart NQ is currently trading just below key resistance price level, 13,000, which if NQ can break above and stay above it could trigger some short-covering and some buying activities, which could propel NQ higher to the next resistance at 14,000.

Failure to break, or failure to stay above it if broken, will cause a massive reversal back down to support, 12,300.

On the intraday time-frame, key inflection for NQ on Monday will be at 12,850, with first support at 12,730, and first resistance at 13,000.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

NQ Guideline for Friday

On Thursday NQ came back to re-test prior day high and then traded back down. It was a sideways type of day. On the daily chart, NQ looks like it is setting up atopping pattern. 

However, with Friday tendency to trade sideways, we could also see another sideways trading action on Fridat before it come down next week

On the intraday timeframe, inflection price level is at 12,885, bullish above, bearish below

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

The stock market tried to rally after the FOMC decision was announced on Wednesday. However, the rally quickly faded and sold off into the close, displaying a bearish engulfing candle on the daily chart.

The reversal candle is negated only on a break-back above Wednesday swing high, 13,080, on a close above it.

The reversal was after a false-breakout; As such, breakout traders are now trapped and if NQ continue to decline, the decline can get out of control as the bulls get run-over.

Key intraday inflection price level for Thursday will be at 12,820, bullish above it, bearish below it. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

Aster the morning pullback down to support NQ rallied and finished the day with a close near the high of the day.

Depending on the FOMC announcement on Wednesday we could see a rocket or a big drop.

Key resistance  level for NQ is at 13,000, a break with a close abpove it could rocket to 14,000 very quickly as the shorts would panic cover.

Failure to break above 13,000 could cause a big drop down to support at 12,400 and then at 12,200

Monday, March 20, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

A very narrow trading range for NQ on Monday as most traders and investors are still waiting for the Fed announcement on Wednesday. 

The markets are likely to stay on hold until Wednesday afternoon until the Fed clarifies their policy going forward particularly with the current banking crisis.

Key NQ support remains at 12,600 and resistance at 12,820. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

NQ Guideline For Monday

A sideways consolidation trading pattern for NQ on Friday. As such, on Monday we could see either a resumption of rally, or a deeper pullback down to lower support depending on where NQ would trade on Monday soon after the open in relation to key inflection price level.

For NQ on Monday that inflection price leve;l will be at 12,600,bullish above it and bearish below it, with lower support at 12,400.

The FOMC will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday. The market could become unpredictable as we get closer to the Fed announcement.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

A trending up day for NQ on Thursday. With such massive QE by the Fed, 300 billion just to bail out the banks, the rally should continue as buyers piled in to buy and the shorts are forced to exit. The next upside target for NQ is 13,000.

The Fed meeting is not until next week, thus Fed decision is not going to affect the market until then. After the Fed announcement, anything is possible, the stock market can continue up or it can sell-off.

On the intraday basis, NQ could continue to rally to 13,000, or trade sideways in consolidation pattern if the longs decided to take profit ahead of the weekend.

Key support is 12,590.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

NQ opened and briefly break below 12,200 support on Wednesday before rallying and closing at the high of the day, setting up a bullish Thursday if it can trade above 12,400 resistance.

If so, the upside targets are 12,600 and it the market get really bullish and triggers short squeeze NQ could rocket all the way o t 13,000 resistance level.

Key intraday inflection price level is at 12,300, bullish above it, bearish below it.

From SVB to Credit Suisse bank. Banking problem is global. Who is next?

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

NQ Guideline For Wednesday

The Fed bank bailout program triggers a risk-on sentiment, and squeezes the shorts. The rally may continue as long as the Fed does not again change its mind about bank bailout.

Key price level for NQ trend on the daily timeframe is at 12,300 as resistance and 11,800 as key support. A break above 12,300 could trigger a short-covering rally with the first upside target at 13,500.

A break below 11,800 on the other hand is an indication the counter-trend rally has ended, even with the Fed bailout programs, and an indication the bear market has resumed.

On the intraday basis, key intraday support for NQ on Wednesday will be at 12,200, bullish above it with the next upside target at 12,500 and bearish below it. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

NQ Guideline For Tuesday

The Fed came to the rescue of the banking system on Monday, a massive bailout of the banks in order to avoid contagion. As a result, the market had a decent rally, but it is not over. As such we can expect the unexpected at anytime,

Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Tuesday will be at 12,100. But it does not matter much until the market stabilises.

Key resistance is at 12,200, and if NQ can break above and stay above it we could see short-covering rally.

Key support is at 11,800, we could see massive selling if NQ trades below it as margin call starts to kick in.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

NQ Guideline for Monday

The stock market sold off hard again on Friday as fear of contagion from Silicon Valley Bay (SVB) collapse scared investors.

The effect is not over, and we could continue to0 see volatility next week. Unless The Fed change their policy and cut interest rates and or reverse QT and restarts QE we could see more sell-offs next week.

Key event will be what the Fed will do, if any, to stability the banking liquidity problems.

On the intraday time frame key inflection price level for NQ on Monday would be at 12,030, bullish above it with resistances at 12,110 and then 12,200, acting as key resistance.

Bearish below 12,030, with supports at 11,800, a price level that will be broken of the Fed does not do anything to stabilise the market.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

NQ Guideline For Friday

Wednesday was the 3rd pullback-down day and it was supposed to be a big rally day, but instead, it was a very narrow range sideways trading pattern, as such, it needed Thursday to be a very big up-trending day.

NQ opened on Thursday and immediately rally, setting up for a bullish day. However the rally fizzled very quickly, nd then reversed down, trapping many buyers who eventually had to exit, causing huge sell-off  that lasted all afternoon.

It was a bearish close, but with the stock market on deep oversold on the short-term intraday time frame, we could see a consolidation day on Friday.

Key support on the daily chart is 11,800 and should provide a very strong support level. If that is  violated, we could see panic selling.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

NQ Guideline For Thursday

It was such a choppy and narrow trading range for NQ on Wednesday

NQ should have rallied in a big way because Wednesday was the 3rd pull-back down day after it bounce off strong support at 11,850 support zone.

NQ therefore needs to rally in a big way very soon if it is going to trend back up again. Failure to do so will start to attrach sellers that would then tank it hard.

Key intraday inflection price level for NQ on Thursday will be at 12,200, bullish above it and ebarish below it, 

Key resistance at 12,300.